A Few Problems That A Bad Radiator Can Cause For A Vehicle

Have you noticed that your vehicle leaks a green fluid that leaves puddles each time that it is parked? It is likely that there is a problem with the radiator, and you should get it repaired before your vehicle begins to experience more serious problems. This article will teach you about some of the things that can go wrong with your vehicle if you have a bad radiator and don't get it repaired in a timely manner.

Your Air Conditioner Might Become Inefficient

You will notice that your air conditioner doesn't cool down your vehicle as fast as it used to when there is a problem with the radiator. Depending on the severity of the problem, the air conditioner might still work but need to be on for a while before you feel cold air. Such a problem likely stems from there not being enough coolant in your vehicle for the radiator to work as it should. Fixing the problem can be as simple as taking your vehicle to a mechanic so he or she can pour in new coolant.

You Will Constantly Have to Purchase New Coolant

When you have to frequently put coolant in your vehicle, it is a sign that the radiator is leaking. The green puddles of fluid under your vehicle are always likely caused from a radiator leak. Getting the problem repaired might only require that a mechanic patches up any cracks that are present. However, large cracks or the ones that are caused from the radiator being old and rusty might not be able to be patched up. You might need to get a new radiator installed in your vehicle, and until then, you will have to keep filling it up with coolant.

Your Vehicle Might Start Smoking While You are Driving

When you are dealing with a bad radiator, it can lead to your vehicle overheating a lot while you are driving. You might end up with the vehicle smoking after only driving for a few miles. You will then have to constantly pull to the side of the road and let it cool off before you can drive again. You might also have to put water in the vehicle each time that you pull over due to it overheating. Replacing the radiator is likely the repair that is needed when overheating is the issue. Speak to a mechanic—like those at Southside Auto Repair and other locations—about the green fluid leaking out of your vehicle as soon as you are able to.
